C is for Clutter

a-to-z-letters-cI have a secret… I love clutter.

See, I like to look at other people’s houses, which have things like clean spots and focal points.  They’re free from dust and weird random stuff on the coffee table.

Nice to look at, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

Clutter just means that I have an abundance of things I love, things that I don’t want to throw away or give away, at least not yet.  Would I like to have a clean house?  Um, maybe?

I know a lot of people are anti-clutter.  Lucky for me, I’m easily distracted and can look at multiple things at the same time.  See, for me, clutter is a good thing so I don’t get bored.  I’m not in danger of becoming a hoarder or anything… I throw out or recycle things I can’t use or that don’t bring me happiness.

IMG_0865But if I can use it (sometime in the distant future, if I get into the right hobby), or if it’s something sentimental or that I enjoy, well then, what’s the harm?

Recently I’ve started taking pictures of things I want to save but don’t necessarily need to have in actual item form.  That way, I’m only cluttering up my pictures folder on iPhoto.  See, I’m practically organized!

4 comments on “C is for Clutter

  1. Debbie W says:

    Hello Doree,

    I’m dropping in from the A-Z challenge.

    Well, I’ve had a life long battle with clutter and it continues to this very day.

    I used to have one room full of it but now thankfully, that is a lovely clear room I can now retreat to when I want to avoid the rest of the family. Currently working through a corridor which is half cleared.

    I’m sure your clutter is stuff that you really want to keep whereas mine really is junk that needs to go.

    Best wishes and good luck with A-Zedding,
    Debbie W

  2. Cindy Dwyer says:

    Funny post! Ideally, I’d limit the clutter. But I don’t live alone so it’s not really an option!

  3. I don’t love clutter but it sure loves me. No matter how much I throw away, more seems to accumulate.

  4. ramona says:

    Neat subject! I like to call my clutter “organized chaos”.

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