G is for Glassmaking

I got a Groupon for an Introduction to Glassmaking class at Circle 6 Studios.  I love all different kinds of arts and crafts, and I thought I would enjoy this.  I was so right.

It was a small class, maybe 15 of us, and the men introduced us to the equipment in the studio and basic safety precautions.  We got to pull the molten glass from the oven, then add cut up colored glass, then reheat to blend, and then shape with some wicked looking pliers.  In 2 hours, I made a paperweight and a glass flower.


I don’t have a bucket list per se, but I do like to do anything interesting that comes along, and I’m trying to make sure I get out and do more things, just to try them.  When I worked in Hospice, the most important thing I learned was that when people were dying, they never said, “I wish I hadn’t done that.”  Regrets usually took on the form of “I wish I had…”  I don’t want to wish I’d done something; I just want to do it.  If I ever regret the road I’ve traveled, then at least I can say I gave it a try.

All that philosophy for some glassmaking?  Well, this wouldn’t be a very interesting blog if I said “It was fun.  I liked it.  You should try it.”  Though all that’s true too.

What’s on your bucket list?