A to Z Challenge 2016

For the past 4 years, I’ve participated in the blogging A to Z challenge.  It’s a challenge to write 26 posts in a month, but it’s a lot of fun.  I’ve been pretty absent from the blogosphere recently, and I’ve tried several things to get back on track, but it hasn’t happened.  I think life’s that way sometimes.  I knew I’d be back to regular blogging eventually.

atoz-theme-reveal-2016 v2

Today’s the official theme reveal, and while I haven’t done themes in the past, this year, a friend and I have both decided to do the theme of Books that Have Influenced Me.  I’m excited about this, and expecting her list to be very different than mine, since she tends to enjoy non-fiction and humor a lot more than I do, while my tastes lean more toward horror.

Her blog is funny and touching, so check it out.


See you on April 1!

19 comments on “A to Z Challenge 2016

  1. Megan Morgan says:

    Sounds like a great idea! I always love to hear what books other people have found influential!

  2. Looking forward to following your A to Z

  3. Betty says:

    Great theme and always good to work on it together with a friend through your separate blogs. A/Z is a fun challenge; its crazy, its a hectic month; we lose sleep, but it is always something I come back to doing 🙂 Have fun with it!


  4. I’m looking forward to following your A to Z! Best of luck through the challenge.
    @ScarlettBraden from
    Chica In Cuenca

  5. inGeniousty says:

    Looking forward for your April posts. 🙂 Keep up the good work. All the best

    The Solitary Writer – A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

  6. With all the writers and readers in the Challenge, I’m sure this will be very popular! I like the spin of choosing books that have influenced you, as I am all about life, people, our similarities, our differences, etc.
    Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

    • doreeweller says:

      I’m honestly surprised I’ve never done this theme before, though for the first few years, I didn’t do themes at all. A friend suggested it, and I think it will be fun!

  7. Theme of books sounds so lovely!

    All the best to you and your friend! 🙂

  8. I hope to learn something about the horror genre. I write historical fiction and look forward to broadening my horizons. http://lorihenriksen.com.

  9. buttercup2000 says:

    Love to read and have a mystery blog in addition to Buttercup. Looking forward to your posts.

  10. Cynthia says:

    Hello, I’m doing A to Z and I will be blogging about books too! See you around!

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